
Saudades de Goa

It was certainly a return to Goa, says Renato Epifânio, president of MIL, the International Lusophone Movement, even if we had never been there – as we were, in 2018. In an exclusive article for the Lusophone Society of Goa, Renato Epifânio continues to say that looking, however, at the monuments, especially in “Velha Goa”, at the very typical neighborhood of “Fontainhas”, in Panjim, at the names of the streets, of the people themselves, it was certainly a return. A return, certainly, bittersweet. This historical memory is progressively vanishing and, if this inertia and erosion continue, in a few decades almost nothing will be left. Please read the full article in Portuguese: Read more →

Article / Goa, India

Challenges to the strengthening of Goan Identity

It is the language and land that are the binding forces of Goan identity and the challenges in maintaining these are growing rapidly says Alexandre Barbosa in this article, exclusively for the Lusophone Society of Goa. He means that in recent years there have been numerous occasions when the people of Goa have protested against the changes in land use, and this stems from the fear that such changes would lead to a loss of Goan identity. For Alexandre Barbosa Goa, however, is not the only place affected by migration and land changes. This is a phenomenon across the world. What makes it relatively stark in Goa is the compactness of the place and its relatively small population concludes Alexandre Barbosa. Read more →


The Bangladesh Crisis and its Implications for India

Anish Esteves based in Mumbai, India writes in this article, exclusively for the Lusophone Society of Goa, about some important aspects of the crisis in Bangladesh and the consequences for India, for example in the textile industry. In addition, the political turmoil in Bangladesh raises important security concerns for India, explains Anish Esteves, or even that it has economic repercussions, as Bangladesh is India’s largest partner in the subcontinent. Infrastructure and connectivity are also key to India-Bangladesh relations and that the coming months will be crucial in shaping the future of India-Bangladesh relations. Read more →

Increasing Dialogue India – Germany and some aspects of emigration of high skilled Indians to Germany

Talk by Mr. Peter Rimmele, former Resident Representative to India of the German Foundation Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)

Organized by Indo-German Friendship Society Goa, Lusophone Society of Goa and Heritage Cell of Rosary College of Commerce and Arts

For venue, timing and more details:
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BRICS Webinar

BRICS perspectives in the new world order

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) and the University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil, organize a webinar under the title “BRICS perspectives in the new world order”.
Day and Time: Thursday, December 7, 2023, start at 8 am (Brazil time), 4:30 pm (Mumbai time, India), 7 pm (Shanghai time, China) Read more →

Day of Portugal and the Portuguese Communities

Day of Portugal Celebrations in Goa

The music group which accompanied the celebrations. Dra. Isabel de Mendonça Raimundo, Consul General of Portugal in Goa 4th from left

On the 10th of June 2023, on the occasion of the Day of Portugal and the Portuguese Communities, the Consul General, Dr. Isabel de Mendonça Raimundo invited the Goan community to a reception that took place at Hotel Cidade de Goa in Dona Paula and where high-profile individuals were also present.

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Travel literature

Comparing two trips across India

On February 23, 2023, in Margao, Goa, a gathering was held comparing the journey made by Adriano de Sá in India in 1927 with another one made by the Brazilian traveler Marcos Lopes along a similar route but in 2022, that is almost a hundred years after. Marcos Lopes, based in Valinhos, São Paulo, Brazil, narrated his trip establishing comparisons with the impressions reported by Adriano de Sá in his book “Through India, Aspects and impressions”. Read more →

Lusophone Festival

India-CPLP Cooperation

International Lusophone Festival at Goa. Organized by the Ministry of External Affairs, Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Government of Goa. The event will be held from 4th to 6th December 2022. As part of the Festival Goa University is organizing a Round-Table on the theme of “India-CPLP Cooperation: Engagement for the Way Forward”. Read more →

June 10

Portuguese Consulate in Goa celebrates the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities

Reception at Radisson Blu. Some individialities and the Portuguese Consul António José Chrystêllo Tavares at the centre

On June 10th the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities is celebrated in Portugal. The national holiday also marks the day of the death of the poet Luís Vaz de Camões in 1580, author of Os Lusíadas. Read more →

Africa - Asia Webinar in Portuguese

Expert opinion on Africa-Asia relations, especially India-China-Africa

Relations between Asia and Africa are secular, with India and China currently being the main hubs of these relations in Asia.

India Africa
India’s relations with Africa date back several centuries. The presence of Indians in East Africa is documented in the ‘Periplus of the Erythraean Sea’ or Guide to the Red Sea written by a Greek author in 60 AD. The geographical proximity and easy navigability in the Indian Ocean were the main factors that contributed to the deepening of relations between India and especially East Africa. Read more →

Portuguese International School in Goa

Continuation of contacts with the Portuguese Government

Portuguese International School in Goa. Following a series of initiatives that the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is developing in the project to implement a Portuguese International School in Goa, we have just received a response from the Presidency of the Portuguese Republic to a letter delivered personally to the President of Portugal Prof. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, during his visit to Goa. Read more →

Portuguese language in Brazil and Goa

The Portuguese language and its lexicon

Konkani and Portuguese in Goa

Konkani is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in India. It has its origins in a Sanskrit vernacular, with inevitable corruption of some words. It has been relatively out of reach of influences from other languages, with the exception of some Portuguese in the last three or four centuries and some Kannada during the period from the 12th to the 14th centuries. For this reason, it is much closer to Sanskrit than the Marathi language which is also spoken in Goa, particularly by those who profess the Hindu religion. Read more →

Dance and Language Teaching

Teaching Portuguese through Capoeira

To increase the learning of foreign languages, the development of basic skills of communication and artistic expression are often used. Based on choreographed national and international dances, foreign language teachers work on the translation, pronunciation and reading of musical texts with the students a procedure which facilitates the study of foreign languages.

In the case of this event, the dance of Capoeira of Brazil is an interesting attempt to attract the students’ attention to Portuguese language teaching at the University of Goa. Read more →

Webinar Portuguese Language Brazil-Goa

Portuguese Language Studies in Brazil and Goa

The Portuguese language in both Goa and Brazil began to take root in the 16th century with the arrival of the Portuguese. But while in Brazil the indigenous languages ​​have gradually disappeared completely, in Goa there was an overlap of Portuguese with the local languages, mainly Konkani and Marathi.
During the last almost 450 years of Portuguese, the so-called Brazilian-Portuguese or Portuguese of Brazil was developed, a variety of the Portuguese language which is currently spoken by about 200 million Brazilians,whereas in Goa the Portuguese from Portugal with its own vocabulary and pronunciation developed and is used. Read more →

Online seminar in Angola

Angola Webinar: International Cooperation, October 20-21, 2021

The friendly relations between India and Angola, existing since the times of India’s support to the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) in its struggle for independence, facilitated the establishment of a series of agreements at a cultural, scientific, technical and economic level.
Oil, gas and mineral resources are the main axes of collaboration at the technical, commercial and investment levels. Delegations from Indian oil companies such as ONGC Videsh Ltd., Reliance Industry Limited, HPCL Mumbai, Engineers India Ltd. and Mittal Investments UK Limited frequently visit Luanda to explore cooperation in the oil and gas sector and meet the demands of India’s domestic growth. Read more →

Online Seminar Brazil-Goa

Brazil and Goa Relations: a Shared History and Current Linkages

The relations between Goa/India and Brazil crystallized in the 16th century. After a golden age that stretched from the 16th to the 19th century, a certain lethargy followed in the first half of the 20th century. With the independence of the Indian Union in 1947, and until 1961 when Goa was annexed to India, Goa’s relations with the Portuguese speaking space revived for the last time and rather vigorously. Between 1961 and 1974 there was an eclipse of Goa’s relations with the Lusophony and a neglect of the Portuguese language and culture in the territory. After the resumption of diplomatic relations between India and Portugal in 1974, Goa slowly began to also gain a certain impetus in its relations with Brazil.
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Portuguese Language in Lusophony

Museum of the Portuguese Language in São Paulo, Brazil reopened

The Museum of the Portuguese Language (Museu da Língua Portuguesa), a space that offers visitors a journey through the diversity of the Portuguese language, was reopened to the public on the 31st of July. The museum at Estação da Luz, a late 19th century building in downtown São Paulo, was destroyed by a major fire on December 21, 2015 and was completely renovated. Read more →

Short stories about Goa

Sixth short story competition of Fundação Oriente

The Fundação Oriente (Delegation of India in Goa) organizes the sixth short story competition. These stories can be written in Concanim, Marata, Portuguese or English. Read more →

India-Brazil technology cooperation

First all-Brazilian satellite launched in India

The first all-Brazilian satellite was launched in India in the early hours of last Sunday (February 28, 2021). The satellite, called Amazon-1, arrived in space aboard the PSLV-C51 rocket launched on the island of Sriharikota, India, and will have as its primary mission the observation and monitoring of deforestation in the Amazon region.

About 17 minutes after the rocket launch, the satellite split up and did its first planned activities, such as opening the solar panel, stabilizing its orientation to Earth, checking systems, and placing readiness mode.

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India-Lusophone Africa

Indian government prioritizes partnership with Mozambique

In a interview with the Mozambican newspaper “Notícias”, the outgoing High Commissioner of India in Mozambique Rajeev Kumar says the Indian Government considers Mozambique to be one of the priority partners in its cooperation with African countries.
Currently, Indian investments in Mozambique exceed 7.5 billion U.S. dollars, representing about 25 percent of the total invested by the Asian country in Africa. Rajeev Kumar justifies this amount with “the strong contribution of the companies OVL, BPCL and OIL India, members of the concessionaire that is exploring hydrocarbons, especially natural gas in Rovuma area 1”. Read more →

Covid India Brazil

India sent two million doses of domestically manufactured Covishield vaccine to Brazil




Brazil’s government has received 2 million doses of coronavirus vaccine from India. Brazil’s Health Ministry announced that the vaccine landed in São Paulo on January 22 before being flown to Rio de Janeiro, where Brazil’s state-run Fiocruz Institute is based. Read more →

Scholarships Portugal

Fundação Oriente opens applications for Scholarships

Fundação Oriente (FO) welcomes, according to informations of FO, applications to its Annual Scholarships Programme between 4th and 29th January 2021, for:
– Doctorates and research projects relating to Portugal and the Far East in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities. Priority will be given to projects relating to the collections of Museu do Oriente, Lisbon.
– Annual proficiency courses on Portuguese language & culture for nationals of Asian countries and to Portuguese citizens who wish to attend official courses on languages and cultures of countries in the Indo-pacific region.

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Cooperation India Portugal

India Portugal Technology Summit 2020

Union Minister of Science and Technology, Earth Sciences and Health & Family Welfare of India, Dr Harsh Vardhan

The 26th edition of DST- CII Technology Summit 2020 virtually organized by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was held from 7th to 9th December with Portugal as the Partner Country. The aim of the Summit was to develop scientific and technological cooperation between India and Portuguese researchers and strengthen the scientific partnership between research groups from each country.
India-Portugal trade crossed $1 billion mark in 2019, and Indian investments in Portugal crossed $350 million. Read more →


Visit to a Konkani “Tiatr” at Kala Academy in Panjim

LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa and IGSG – Indo German Friendship Society Goa, in collaboration with the Goa State Central Library, organized a visit to a Konkani tiatr at Kala Academy in Panjim on February 21, 2020. The Konkani word “tiatr” has its origin in the Portuguese word “teatro” (theatre).

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Portuguese International School (PIS) in Goa

LSG hands over a letter to the President of Portugal

Delivery of the Letter to the President of the Republic by Aurobindo Xavier, President of LSG

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) handed over a letter to the President of Portugal during his visit to Goa at a meeting in Panjim on February 16, 2020, asking him for institutional support in the implementation of a “Portuguese International School” (PIS) in Goa. The Society is initiating this private school project with the intent to promote both the Portuguese and the Indian culture and to facilitate the learning of the Portuguese language. Read more →

6th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2020

Brazilian Culinary Class in Verna

LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa together with BCCG – Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa, is organizing a one day Brazilian culinary class. Brazilian Chef Bruno Camera of restaurant Churrascaria Brasil in Calangute and his team will demonstrate how to prepare some typical Brazilian dishes such as Carreteiro Rice, Brazilian Chicken Fritters and Moist Corn Cake. All ingredients for the recipes are available in Goa.

Previous registration is mandatory. Please phone or whatsapp 9763365050 or email projects@sh118.global.temp.domains

Date and time: January 16, 2020 (Thursday), 9.30 am to 1 pm
Venue: Institute of Food Crafts and Culinary Sciences, Agnel Ashram, Verna, Goa Read more →

6th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2020

CineClub Brasil – Brazilian Film in Goa

Four Brazilian films will be screened in two institutions in Goa. The screenings are organized by the Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa (BCCG) together with the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) with the support of the Brazilian Embassy in New Delhi. Read more →


6th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2020

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is pleased to announce the “6th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2020”. From December 2019 to March 2020 there will be several events, which will be announced successively. The annual Lusofonia Festival brings together events from various countries and regions which formerly were Portuguese colonies.


Portuguese-speaking Goans and Brazilians gather in Goa

The community of Portuguese speaking Goans and Brazilians met in Goa on Saturday 6 July 2019 for a Brazilian cultural event and took the opportunity to say goodbye to the Consul General of Brazil in Mumbai Mrs. Rosimar da Silva Suzano who returns to Brazil. The event was organized by the Consulate General of Brazil in Mumbai together with the Brazilian Cultural Center in Goa (BCCG).
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5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

Brazilian Cooking Class

As part of the 5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019, Lusophone Society of Goa is organizing a Brazilian cooking class. Three Brazilian hobby cooks will demonstrate how to prepare chicken bobó, prawns na moranga, fish moqueca and baked cocada. All ingredients are available in Goa. Read more →

5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

The Frigate Dom Fernando II e Glória between Portugal and India

About 26 photos of the the Frigate DOM FERNANDO II E GLÓRIA of the Portuguese Navy are displayed at the Art Gallery of the Directorate of Art & Culture in Panjim. The exhibition is organized by the LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa.
The Frigate was built at the shipyard of Daman in Portuguese India, which possessed to the east a large forest of teak wood in Nagar-Aveli, considered to be an excellent wood for ship building. She was Portugal’s last sailing warship to be built and also the last ship that undertook the Carreira da Índia (India Run), a regular military line that connected Portugal to its colonies in India since the beginning of the 16th century. Read more →

5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

Bossa Nova Goa 2019

BCCG-Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa presents: BOSSA NOVA GOA 2019, a Brazilian Cultural Evening with a Brazilian movie, Brazilian songs by Nadia Rebelo and Brazilian singers Abian Kenneth Santos, Felipe Hermann Santos and Du Falcão. There will be Caipirinha & Batida, Brazilian feijoada, Bolinhos de bacalhau, Goan food (buffet), beer and drinks. 
For more information call 9763365050
Entry passes available at:
– Restaurant Viva Goa (Clube Harmonia). Phone: 98224 83868
– Linen Shop (Colva). Phone: 9049704448
Timing: Thursday, 21st Feb 2019, 7pm
Venue: Viva Goa Restaurant (Clube Harmonia – Margao

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Opinion piece

Bolsonaro is not likely to be as involved with BRICS as his predecessors were

Article of Aurobindo Xavier* published in Scroll.in with the Title

“What does Brazil’s new president-elect hold for India, China and the future of Brics?”

On October 28, far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the Social Liberal Party was declared the winner of Brazil’s presidential election, having obtained 55.1% of the votes cast. His opponent, Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Workers’ Party, bagged 44.9% of the vote. Bolsonaro, 63, will take over as president on January 1. Despite scarce campaign resources and no support from major parties, more than 57 million voters supported the former Army captain’s promise to fix Brazil’s ills: massive corruption, out of control crime and a faltering economy.

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Brazil in Goa

Brazilian Cultural Evening in Goa

The Consulate General of Brazil in Mumbai and the Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa (BCCG) organized a Brazilian cultural evening in Goa. On 16th December 2018 at Hotel Nanu Resort in Betalbatim, Portuguese speaking Goans and Brazilian residents in Goa joined for a happy get-together in the presence of the Consul General of Brazil in Mumbai, Ms. Rosimar Suzano along with Dr. Aurobindo Xavier, President of Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa (BCCG). Goan musicians truly enthralled the audience with Brazilian songs.

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5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

The Portuguese language: Towards a museum in Portugal

In the context of the “5th Festival of Lusophone Goa 2019” that extends from December 2018 to March 2019, the LSG-Lusophone Society of Goa organized on December 20, 2018 in collaboration with the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB – Portugal) and the Kare College of Law (KCl) of Margão a lecture given by Dr. Pedro Oliveira of IPB under the title “The Portuguese Language: Towards a museum”. Read more →

5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

Lecture – Improvement of university sociability

December 13 (Thursday) 12.00 H
“Improvement of university sociability through emotional intelligence and integrative practices”.
Prof. Muna Odeh (UnB – University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Lecture Hall, Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho,  Panjim. Read more →


5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019

 The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is pleased to announce the “5th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2019”. From December 2018 to March 2019 there will be several events, which will be announced successively.


Brazilian Contemporary Cinema in Goa

The Brazilian Cultural Center in Goa (BCCG) and the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) in collaboration with the National Agency of Cinema (Ancine)/Ministry of Culture of Brazil and the Brazilian Consulate in Mumbai will organize sessions of Brazilian Contemporary Cinema in the following colleges in Goa:
G. R. Kare College of Law (Damodar College) in Margao, Comba, and at the Nirmala Institute of Education in Panjim, Altinho. The movies are in Portuguese with English subtitles. Free entrance. Read more →

Relations Goa/India - Lusophonia

Article (in Portuguese) published in “Cadernos de Política exterior” of Brasil

“Goa – a platform for cooperation between India and the lusophone countries especially Brazil” is an article (in Portuguese) recently published in “Cadernos de Política Exterior”, a biannual publication of Instituto de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais (IPRI) of Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG), Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the editors the article by Prof. Aurobindo Xavier, president of LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa, gives an interesting historical overview over the relations between Goa and the lusophone world. Read more →

Brazilian music in Goa

“Goa sings Brazil – Brazilian Popular Music”, a new project of LSG/BCCG

During the 60’s, Brazilian music was reasonably well known and loved in Goa. Till today some of these songs still remain well enshrined in the psyche of Goans.

However, there has been a disconnect between the music then and the music styles and trends that evolved since the 60’s in the realm of Brazilian popular music, which today includes genres such as “musica sertaneja”, Brazilian rock, samba-reggae, baião, forró, etc. These genres are gaining audiences around the world but are yet to make an impact in Goa. Read more →

Portuguese language

Simples conversa em português

Simples conversa em português

  • Are you shy to speak in Portuguese?
  • Do you have rudimentary knowledge of the Portuguese language?

Then this is the right way to start speaking Portuguese. Very, very slowly … at your pace. Read more →

Brazilian Culinary Class

“Brazilian Regional Dishes”

Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG), in collaboration with BCCG – Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa, is pleased to announce Brazilian Culinary Demonstration Class under the theme “Brazilian Regional Dishes”. Read more →


“4th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2018”, February 15 – April 15

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is pleased to announce the  “4th Lusofonia Festival Goa 2018”. From February 15 to April 15, 2018 there will be several events. This year we will be  focusing on Brazil, as India and Brazil are celebrating 70 years of the establishment of their diplomatic relations.

One of the main events will be the International Seminar “Brazil-Índia/Goa, Seminar Focusing on Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Cultural Aspects”on April 5 and 6. Read more →

Cooperation Agreement

Lusophone Society of Goa/India and University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil sign agreement

A LSG – Sociedade Lusófona de Goa tem o prazer de informar que assinou em Dezembro de 2017 um Acordo de Cooperação com a Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil. O acordo prevê entre outros a elaboração conjunta de projetos de pesquisa, de eventos científicos e culturais e de cursos e disciplinas compartilhadas. Read more →

Public Health

Lecture – Brazil and India: comparative perspectives on Public Health Policies

Lecture by Dr. João Reis Nunes, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of Politics, University of York, UK.

This talk, organized by LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa, BCCG – Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa and The International Centre Goa, examines the Brazilian response to the recent Zika epidemic in the context of the country’s broader socioeconomic and political context. It asks what other countries, particularly those in the Global South, can learn from the Brazilian public health response. It considers the shortcomings of the response and how they can be addressed in future outbreaks. At the same time, and looking in particular at Brazil’s community health worker programme, the talk discusses the extent to which the Brazilian case offers potentially innovative solutions for global health problems. Read more →

Christmas Event

Christmas party for children of Goan orphanage and Brazilian children

On December 23, 2017 in the morning there was a Christmas party for children of a Goan orphanage and Brazilian children at Santo Antonio Orphanage in Senaulim, Verna. The event was organized by the Consulate General of Brazil in Mumbai and BCCG – Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa. Read more →

Cultural Night

Brazilian Cultural Night in Goa

There was a Brazilian Cultural Night at Hotel Nanu Resort in Betalbatim on December 23, 2017. Members of the Brazilian and the Goan community and their families attended this event of confraternization and friendship. The music group Cotta played Brazilian and Goan songs. Read more →

Cooperation Goa - Brazil

Visit of consul of Brazil to the mayor of Panjim, capital of Goa

In order to strengthen the ties between Goa and Brazil the Lusophone Society of Goa brought together the Consul General of Brazil in Mumbai Ms. Rosimar da Silva Suzano and the mayor of the City of Panjim (Panaji) Surendra Furtado on 23 December 2017. Read more →

Interview Consul of Brazil

Interview of the Consul General of Brazil to the daily Herald, of Goa

An important interview given by the Consul General of Brazil in Mumbai Ms. Rosimar da Silva Suzano to the daily “Herald” of Goa was published on 31 December 2017. Read more →

Brazilian Film Screening

Contemporary Brazilian Cinema in North and South Goa

The Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa (BCCG) in collaboration with the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) and the Brazilian Agência Nacional do Cinema (Ancine) / Brazilian Ministry of Culture, is organizing sessions of contemporary Brazilian cinema in North and South Goa. The films are in Portuguese with English subtitles. Entry free.

North Goa: on August 23 (Wednesday) 2017 the following films will be screened in collaboration with the Film Club and the Department of Mass Communication of  St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa. Venue: Seminar Hall at St. Xavier’s College.
1 – 9:30 am  “Don’t worry, nothing will work out” (Não se preocupe, nada vai dar certo!), comedy.
2 – 12 noon “Federal” (Federal), thriller.

South Goa: the following films will be screened in collaboration with the Humanities Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, Margao.
Venue: Auditorium at Don Bosco College of Engineering.
1 – Saturday, 09 September 2017 at 3.30 pm “Federal” (Federal), thriller.
2 – Monday, 11 September 2017 at 3.30 pm “Don’t worry, nothing will work out”(Não se preocupe, nada vai dar certo!), comedy.
3 – Tuesday, 12 September 2017 at 3.30 pm “In Therapy” (Divã), comedy. Read more →

Post-graduate study in Brazil

Grants to foreign students for post-graduate study in Brazil

The Government of Brazil plans to award grants to foreign students for post-graduate study and research for admission in Brazil in 2018. Possible candidates must be accepted by a Brazilian Higher Education Institution (IES), public or private and have fluent Portuguese. Registration will be open in the period from August 1 to September 15, 2017. The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is pleased to help candidates by the application and searching adequate universities for this purpose in Brazil. Possible candidates are requested to send  their curriculum vitae in Portuguese and an email contact to info@sh118.global.temp.domains

Inauguration of BCCG

Brazilian Cultural Centre inaugurated in Goa, Índia

It is with great satisfaction that we inform you about the inauguration on 17th March 2017 of the BCCG – Brazilian Cultural Centre in Goa – Centro Cultural Brasileiro em Goa . Read more →

Photography Exhibition

Goan Windows – Indo-Portuguese Architecture

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) in collaboration with the Municipality of Mafra (Portugal) organizes an exhibition of photographies by Adelino Fernandes, professional photographer from Goa, India, at Casa de Cultura Jaime Lobo e Silva, Ericeira (Portugal). The exhibition, with the title “Goan Windows – Indo-Portuguese Architecture”, will show 22 photographies depicting the typical windows of Indo-Portuguese architecture of the city of Margao, in Goa.

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3rd “Lusofonia Festival Goa”, February 17 – March 18, 2017


The traditional “coreto” (bandstand) in the lusophone countries and regions

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is pleased to announce the 3rd “Lusofonia Festival Goa”. Read more →

Approaching Goa and Brazil

President of the Lusophone Society of Goa visited Brazil in December 2016


In order to implement a rapprochement between Goa and Brazil with the purpose of using Goa as a platform for the relations between India and Brazil, Aurobindo Xavier, President of the Lusophone Society of Goa, visited Brazil in December 2016. During his visit, among others, he gave a lecture at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo (USP) and an interview with TVSuprenBrasilia.

Here is the video of the lecture at USP
Here is the video of the interview at TVSuprenBrasilia

LSG signs Memorandum of Understanding

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG), India, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with FORGES – Associação Fórum da Gestão do Ensino Superior nos Países e Regiões da Língua Portuguesa


Aurobindo Xavier, President of Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) and Maria Luísa Cerdeira, President of FORGES signed the MoU in Campinas, Brazil.

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG), India, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with FORGES – Associação Fórum da Gestão do Ensino Superior nos Países e Regiões da Língua Portuguesa.The Memorandum aims to promote and enhance the academic, scientific and cultural cooperation in the framework of the educational policy and school administration and higher education. The Memorandum was signed on 29 November 2016, at the  University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, during the 6th Conference FORGES.  Aurobindo Xavier, President of Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) and Maria Luísa Cerdeira, President of FORGES signed the MoU.

Scientific cooperation protocol

Scientific cooperation protocol between Lusophone Society of Goa and The Lisbon Academy of Sciences

From left: Aurobindo Xavier, President of Lusophone Society of Goa, Ana Salgado coordinator of Diccionary of the Academy and Artur Anselmo, President of The Academy of Sciences of Lisbon.

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG), India, has just signed a memorandum of understanding with The Lisbon Academy of Sciences. The memorandum aims to strengthen cooperative relations and exchanges between the two institutions.
One of the first activities defined within the framework of the memorandum is the collection and definition, exclusively by LSG, of the Portuguese vocabulary used daily in Goa. The nomenclature and respective definitions will be included in the new dictionary of the Academy which is already in preparation. This edition aims to be a reference dictionary in the lusophone world, with a view to the overall representation of the Portuguese language, explained Ana Salgado, coordinator of the dictionary.
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Lusophone Goa

2nd Lusofonia Festival Goa 2016 realized with great success

Beautiful-Girl-in-Brazil2nd Lusofonia Festival Goa, January 22 – February 22, 2016. A variety of  events promoting the culture of the Lusophone countries and regions.

The Lusofonia Festival Goa is intended as an opportunity for different Lusophone people and cultures to come together in this unique event in Goa. The programme included, diverse presentations (themes and authors from Brazil, Portugal and Goa), photo exhibitions (from Mozambique, Macau and São Tomé and Príncipe), book exhibitions (Galiza/Spain and European Union), music concert by the Portuguese group Senza, a Brazilian culinary class and the traditional fest “Feijoada e Samba”. Read more →

Festival Goa

Lusofonia Festival Goa 2015


Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is organizing the 1st “Lusofonia Festival Goa 2015”. From February 20 to March 20 there will be several cultural events aiming to promote the culture of the Lusophone countries and regions focusing this year Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Macau, Portugal and Timor Leste.

Highlight of the Festival is the photography exhibition “Voyage to the East in the 19th Century”. Photographies of 19th Century. An extraordinary collection of photographies from the time of earliest photography techniques.  From Lisbon to Timor crossing Suez Canal and passing through Egypt, Mumbai, Goa, Daman, Nagar Haveli, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. This exhibition is organized by LSG in collaboration with the Directorate of Culture North, Museum of Lamego (Portugal), Directorate of Art and Culture (Goa), Goa Tourism Development Corporation and Fundação Oriente.

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Journey to the East in the 19th century

Photo exhibition in Lamego, Portugal – including some of former Portuguese India

f2693d.cat_002_016.057-800pxlIn August 2014 we had the possibility to visit, in Lamego in Northern Portugal, the exhibition of 19th-century photographs relating to Asia, with the title “Journey to the East in the nineteenth century”.

The exhibition comprises 61 photographs that belong to the family Mascarenhas Gaivão, which collected the images, dated between 1880 and 1895 as if they were a Portuguese voyage. The trip begins in Egypt, continues in India (Mumbai, Daman, Nagar Haveli and Goa) and ends in East Timor. Read more →

Visit of a Parliamentary Committee of Timor Leste to Goa

Visit completed successfully: Goa-East Timor Joint Commission


The visit of the delegation of the Economic and Development Affairs Committee of the National Parliament of East Timor to Goa which was held from 20- 26 July 2014 under the motto “Tourism, Economy and Culture – the experience of Goa” was completed with a great success. The visit was based on a program developed by the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) with the support of the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC). Read more →

Opinion piece

The Indian axis of the lusophone world: importance for East Timor and Goa/India

Daily paper of Macau

Daily paper of Macau

Aurobindo Xavier*

In the Indian area, meaning the countries and regions that abut or have their geostrategic interests in the Indian Ocean, there are significant Portuguese-speaking affinities. Thus we have Mozambique and East Timor as Portuguese-speaking countries, Macao and Goa as relevant regions of Portuguese influence and still other local cores with some affinities with the Portuguese-speaking countries as in Malacca or Sri Lanka. The Indian area has therefore a great lusophone potential. Please read the full article (in Portuguese) here:  Read more →

East Timor Members of Parliament visit Goa

Visit of the “Economic and Development Affairs Committee” of the National Parliament of Timor Leste (East Timor) to Goa

Visit of the “Economic and Development Affairs Committee” of the National Parliament of Timor Leste (East Timor) to Goa
“Tourism, Economy and Culture – the experience of Goa”
20 – 26 July 2014

map EastTimor.svg

After being contacted by the Economic and Development Affairs Committee of the National Parliament of Timor Leste (East Timor) to help them organizing a visit of Timorese Members of Parliament to Goa, the Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) is happy to inform the visit is due to take place organized with the support of LSG.

The visit, 20 – 26 July 2014, seeks to exchange information and explore opportunities of cooperation between East Timor and Goa/India especially in the area of Tourism and related sectors. The visit pretends also to be a milestone in the History of the relationships between East Timor and Goa /India reestablishing the old close relationships.

Business contacts in any other area are also welcome. If you are interested in doing business with East Timor contacting the delegation please send an email, not later than July 15, to info@sh118.global.temp.domains Read more →

Lusophone Media

Lusophone News: the experience of a journalist

noticias lusofonas

The LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa is organizing with the collaboration of the FO – Fundação Oiente and the GUJ – Goa Union of Journalists a talk about the Lusophone News.
Henrique Antunes Ferreira, former Chief Editor of the leading Portuguese Daily “Diário de Notícias” will speak about this at Fundação Oriente in Panjim, Goa on Friday, 14 th March 2014 at 5:30 pm.
The talk will be followed by a debate moderated by Alexandre Moniz Barbosa, journalist, Times of India.
The presentation and the debate will be bilingual Portuguese/English.
Henrique Antunes Ferreira during his journalistic activity interviewed Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi as Prime-Ministers. Read more →

Lusophone Market

“India and the Lusophone Market” International Congress, January 14 and 15, 2014 – Goa, India

india_lusophne_marketThe Lusophone Society (LSG) in collaboration with CII – Confederation of Indian Industry, IdEA – Institute of Asian Studies and AAPI – Friendship Association Portugal-India organizes an International Congress on January 14 and 15, 2014, focusing on India and the market of the Portuguese-speaking countries (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, and the Chinese Special Administrative Region (SAR) of Macau).

With simultaneous translation English-Portuguese and vice-versa.

This Congress will be of particular Interest for entrepreneurs of Portuguese-speaking countries and of India, to come to know the real possibilities of exchange of goods and services.

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Brazil - India Partnership in Oil

Brazil’s state-run oil company Petrobras and an Indian partner have discovered an oil exploration block


The find of Petrobras and IBV Brasil in SEAL 11 off  Brazil’s northeast coast, Sergipe-Alagoas basin could be the biggest oil discovery of the year. IBV Brasil is a joint venture between India’s Bharat Petroleum Corporation and Videocon Industries.

Meanwhile, the government plans to auction production rights for Libra, Brazil’s biggest-ever oil discovery, on October 21. Eleven foreign oil firms, including China National Petroleum Corporation, India’s ONGC Videsh and Malaysia’s Petronas, have paid more than $900,000 each to participate in the auction. Read more →

Lusofonia Games Goa: Football

Portuguese Francisco Neto will coach the Goan Football Team for Lusofonia Games, Goa 2 – 11 November 2013



Portuguese Francisco Neto is expected to be the official coach of the Goan Football Team during the Lusofonia Games in Goa from 2 – 11 November 2013. Following the agreement Neto will be in Goa between August 1 and November 15, 2013. Read more →

Lusophone World

“The importance of the Portuguese speaking countries today is a fascinating story” Ambassador Mõttus of Estonia in a exclusive Interview with LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa

estonia_foto_dela_diplomatia“For me personally, the historical influence of Portugal and the economic, political and cultural importance of the Portuguese speaking countries today is a fascinating story” explains Mrs Marin Mõttus, Ambassador of Estonia to Portugal and Morocco in an exclusive Interview with LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa. “The interest towards Portuguese language, the rich cultural heritage of these countries and also towards the potential of economic cooperation with them is quickly growing in Estonia” says Mõttus. Estonia is one of the three Baltic countries, situated in Northern Europe.

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Cape Verde Music Awards

“Mi só ki fika li” is Cape Verde’s song of the year

The third edition of Cape Verde Music Awards (CVMA), whose aim is to reward the CapeVerdean music every year, was won by Michel Montrond with “Mi só ki fika li” in the category of best music of the year.
In general, the CVMA intends to honour all those cultural agents of the Creole music who stand out for their dynamic role of CapeVerdean music. Listen to the music here: watch?v=LoeK9sbSSyY
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Lusofonia Games in Goa November 2-10, 2013

Lusofonia Games 2013 – Infrastructure ready on time: official logo presented

The Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees ACOLOP (Associação dos Comités Olímpicos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa) expressed satisfaction at the preparations for the Lusofonia Games to be held in Goa from November 2-10, 2013. Alex Wong, president of ACOLOP, expressed satisfaction at the progress of work on infrastructure after the meeting of the general assembly of the Association in Goa on May 11. The Organising Committee of the Lusofonia Games in Goa presented the official logo of the Games. Read more →

Lusophone world

“Lusophone World much wider than imagination allows conceiving” Luciano Canhanga Angolan writer in an interview with LSG

“The first time I heard of Goa should be attending 4th class and it was during a lesson in Portuguese in that matter was the Portuguese-speaking world. As Goa was a toponym strange resorted to atlas to locate on a map this territory. From then on I realized that the lusophone world was much broader than the eyes and imagination allow me to conceive ” Luciano Canhanga Angolan writer explains in an exclusive interview to Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG).  Read more →

Indian investments in the Lusophone market

Exim Bank of India finances electrification in Mozambique

The state-owned utility Electricity of Mozambique (EDM) announced the implementation of an electrification project of the Maputo through a line of credit from Exim Bank of India. Exim Bank of India (Export-Import Bank of India) the premier export finance institution of India has been a catalyst and a key player of Indian investment in Mozambique. Read more →

Studies on Tagore

Tagore studied by a Spanish Professor

Under the title “A Spanish romance with Tagore” the Goan daily Herald (edition of 10th Feb 2013) reports the activity and the work of the Spanish José Paz Rodrigues on Tagore (1861-1941). The article writes about the passion that Paz  Rodrigues, who was recently in Goa, has since the Decade of the 60 by Tagore perhaps the most important literary figure of bengali literature and a prominent representative of Hindu culture. Paz Rodrigues also stresses  the  great educator aspect of Tagore who became the first Asian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. Read more →

Brazil - East Timor

Brazil reinforces cooperation with East Timor

In early February this year another group of 42 East Timorese students came to Brazil to attend undergraduate and masters studies.
There are some Brazilian universities which have established partnerships with educational institutions of Timor, particularly with the National University of Timor Lorosae. These partnerships, which are fostered by the governments of Brazil and East Timor, fall within the guidelines of the Brazilian Foreign Policy to help East Timor and, specifically, to strengthen the South-South cooperation and cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries (under the CPLP – Community of Portuguese Language Countries). Read more →

Mozambican artists

Emídio Josíne, a young Mozambican artist, in an exclusive interview to Lusophone Society of Goa: “It is necessary that each of us feels responsible for Lusophony”

“I believe that Mozambique and other Lusophonic countries are working hard to consolidate the Lusophony spirit, to make it stronger so that we, the Portuguese speaking people, feel firmly united, like sisters and brothers, without any kind of complex. But it is also necessary that each of us take the responsibility for this achievement.” explains Emídio Josíne, a young Mozambican artist, in a exclusive interview to the Lusophone Society of Goa. About the Mozambican cinema Josine says that “making movies in Mozambique is not easy. We have few film directors for fiction movies, few people educated in film, we don’t yet have hundred percent teams of professionals. We need more script writers, continuity, photograph directors, producers; although I must admit that the ones we have are very good.” Read more →


The Goan Telo de Mascarenhas is considered one of the most important Portuguese-speaking Tagoreans of the world

In a presentation at LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa in Panjim, Goa, the spanish Prof. Paz Rodrigues considered the Goan Telo de Mascarenhas as one of the most important Portuguese-speaking Tagoreans of the world, comparable to any other Tagorean of other nationalities and languages. Especially because he, as a fluent speaker of Bengali (Bangla), carried out beautiful translations of Tagorean works into the Portuguese language: “The Home and the World (Ghore Baire)”, “Boat wreck (Noukadubi)”, “The four voices (Choturongo)”, and an anthology of tales with the general title “The key to the enigma and other tales”. Read more →

Lusophone Markt

Indian companies are heavily investing in Mozambique in the sectors of agriculture, mining and natural gas

The Indian company Primus Agri Projects Private Limited is investing 3 million USD in the production of mung beans and sesame seeds in the province of Nampula, and the Indian Group Jindal Steel Power Limited projects to invest 180 million USD in coal production in the north of the Tete province. In addition, BPRL Ventures Mozambique B.V. and Videocon Mozambique Rovuma Ltd.,  both from India, participate in the Anadarko Moçambique Area 1 Group exploring natural gas in the Cabo Delgado province.
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Lusofonia Games in Goa

Schedule announced for Lusofonia Games in Goa, 2-10 November 2013

The Organizing Comittee of the Lusofonia Games in Goa (2-10 November 2013)  has  recently announced the schedule of the Games. According to information obtained by LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa the opening and the closing ceremony will be held at Fatorda Stadium in Margao. The different events of the Games will take place at various venues, in the mornings between 8 to 12 p.m., in the afternoons between 1 and 4:30 p.m. and in the evenings between 5 and 9 p.m.
Goan Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said: “We will strive to have everything in place three to four months before the start of Lusofonia Games” Read more →

Mundo Lusófono

Portuguese scribes in Ceylon: Tissa Devendra from Sri Lanka describes for LSG a rare document from Colombo

 Tissa Devendra from Sri Lanka, describes in an special article for LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa, the historical frame of a rare illustration of the 17th Century. The illustration is presently in Colombo and was purchased from Sotheby’s auction house in London. The document clearly establishes the fact of the existence of Portuguese scribes at the Kandyan Court.This document is written on parchment in impeccable Portuguese. Portuguese was thus a second language in the Kandyan Court. Read more →


“Recognizing publicly the historical legacy of Portugal in India. That is what counts”. Luís Filipe Castro Mendes former ambassador of Portugal in India in a special message to LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa.

The LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa asked Mr. Luís Filipe Castro Mendes, ambassador of Portugal in India between 2007 and 2010 and currently Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Portugal to the Council of Europe, to send a message to LSG relating his very personal experience in India.
Castro Mendes writes in his message  “I saw fishermen of Goa with red and green flags in their ships escorting our training ship Sagres which was on an official visit to India following an invitation of the Indian Marine.  They did it not because they dream of the return of the Portuguese caravels, but to publicly demonstrate that they did not want to deny the past. In fact, I have never heard the idea of denying the past expressed by any Indian authority in New Delhi, on the contrary I have heard the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh publicly recognizing the historical legacy of Portugal in India. And that is what counts.” Read more →

Tourism in Goa

“Goa from Paradise to Sewage” says most important sustainability site of Brazil

” Goa survived four centuries of the Portuguese colonization as well as the hippie invasion in the sixties but is now threatened by mass tourism. More than 2,5 million tourists visits Goa every year, which has only 1,5 inhabitants. This tourist number doubled in the last ten years. The National Geographic classified the beaches of Goa as the worst of the world” reports an article published by “Planeta Sustentável”, the biggest site related to sustainability of Brazil. The article refers also to a report of the National Institute of Oceanography about the spreading of fecal coliform in the Goan marine waters as well as of piles of garbage scattered around Goa and on Goan beaches. Read more →

The citzenship of Goans

Are Goans Indian or Portuguese?

In an interesting article published in the Goan daily Herald Rhadarao F. Gracias, a practising Goan lawyer, discusses in which circumstances Goans can be considered as Indian or Portuguese nationals. Goa is a unique casen, means Gracias, where those born prior to December 19, 1961 and their descendants are eligible to be Portuguese nationals. In view of the special circumstances under which Goa became part of India, the Indian Citizenship Order 1962 ought to be amended to enable Goans to enjoy the benefits of the Portuguese Nationality Law along with the benefits under Article 5 of the Constitution of India, concludes Gracias. Read more →

Lusofonia Games

Herald Newspaper of Goa refers article of LSG on Wushu

The daily Herald of Goa reproduces in a long article declarations made by Marcus Vinicius Alves, president of the Brazilian Kung Fu Wushu Confederation, in an exclusive interview to LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa. Read more →

Cooperation Galicia Goa

The Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa and the Lusophone Society of Goa sign a protocol of cooperation

The Lusophone Society of Goa (LSG) has just signed with the Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa (AGLP) of Spain a protocol of cooperation. The protocol was signed by the president of the LSG Aurobindo Xavier and the president of AGLP Montero Santalha, with the aim to foster the relations and the cultural, scientific and educacional exchange especially regarding the portuguese language  in Galicia and in Goa. Read more →

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The Fomento group of Goa is in the process of starting mining operations in Brazil and Mozambique.

As uncertainty continues over mining operations in the state, Goa’s second largest iron ore exporter, the Fomento Group, has begun exploring other business opportunities outside the country and the state. The Fomento group is in the process of starting mining operations in Brazil and Mozambique. “The operations will begin within two years,” Audhut Timblo, chairman and managing director of Sociedade de Fomento Industrial Pvt Ltd told Times of India. Read more →


Lusophone Society of Goa co-organized in Panjim guided visit of the exhibition “António Xavier Trindade – a painter from Goa (1870-1935)”

A guided visit of the exhibition “António Xavier Trindade – a painter from Goa (1870-1935)” was organized at the premises of Fundação Oriente at Fontainhas, Panjim. The visit was conducted by the Delegate of the Fundação Dr.Eduardo Kol de Carvalho on 2nd January 2013  and was  organized by IGSG – Indo German Friendship Society Goa in collaboration with Fundação Oriente, as well as Indo Portuguese Friendship Society Goa, LSG  – Lusophone Society of Goa, British Business Group Goa and Circolo Italiano Goa. Read more →

«Gold ornaments» from Goa

Portuguese bank catalogues «gold ornaments» from Goa

Samples of ornaments from the last 14 cases of the «Gold ornaments» from Goa

The Portuguese Bank Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is continuing with the cataloguing of the last 14 cases of the «gold ornaments» from Goa, exposed officially in December 2011 in Lisbon. The «Gold ornaments» from Goa, in Portuguese so called “Jóias da Índia”, were deposited in the BNU dependence in Goa and brought from Goa to Lisbon few days before the Indian troops occupied the territory on December 17, 1961.
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Wushu in Goa

Brazilian delegation of Wushu soon in Goa


“I know some members of the India Wushu Federation, but have not had the opportunity to strengthen our relationship. I believe it would be of great importance for both entities” tells Marcus Vinicius Alves president of the Brazilian Kung Fu Wushu Confederation in a exclusive interview to LSG – Lusophone Society of Goa. A Brazilian team of Wushu will come to Goa in November 2013 to participate in the third edition of the Lusophone Games. Read more →


Relic of St Francis Xavier is currently touring Australia

“Just like the people of Goa who share an unbreakable bond with St Francis Xavier, the Catholic community in Australia will forever be blessed to have had St Francis enter into their lives during the Year of Grace” writes Juanita Shepherd journalist of the Australian newspaper The Record in an special article for the site of LSG – The Lusophone Society of Goa. The famous relic of the right arm of St Francis Xavier is currently touring Australia. Read more →


Lusophony Games in Goa, November 2013

Delegates of Goa in Mafra, Portugal, at the General Assembly of ACOLOP on 6th July 2012

The 3rdedition of the Lusophony Games, a multinational multi-sport event, will be held in Goa, India from 2-10 November 2013. Sports Secretary of Goa Keshav Chandra made a presentation in Mafra, Portugal at the General Assembly of the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees, on the readiness of Goa to stage the event. Read more →

A Brazilian visiting Goa

“In Goa I felt right at home…” Prof. Nelson Gomes in a interview

Prof. Nelson Gomes giving a short lecture on Logic at the Seminary of Rachol, Goa in February 2012.

Prof. Nelson Gomes*, of the University of Brasília  (Brazil) visited Goa in February. In an interview to LSG he gives his impressions about Goa, about his short lecture at the Seminary of Rachol and proposes ways to incentive the relationship between Goa and Brazil. He also gives an opinion about the ongoing globalization and doesn’t forget to refer to the excellent Goan cuisine. Read more →


Changes in Goa to benefit Casinos in Macau

A floating casino in Goan waters

Difficulties related to the legislation of the casinos in Goa could generate more tourist entries in Macau’s casinos says Union Gaming Research analysts in a note cited by Macau Business. In 2011, around 170,000 visitors came to Macau from India.
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Brazil Goa

Brazilian military delegation in Goa

Col. Decilio de Medeiros Sales from the Brazilian Army Command in Mormugao, at Goa Shipyard Ltd.

Col. Decilio de Medeiros Sales of  Brazil was present at the first Steel cutting ceremony to mark the commencement of the series construction of the new class offshore patrol vessels for the Indian Coast Guard at Goa Shipyard Ltd.  Col. Decilio de Medeiros Sales integrated the Brazilian delegation in an official visit to the Indian R&D institutions.  Read more →

Macau and Goa

Macau: taking a look from Goa

The Macau daily “ponto final” brings an article reporting the experience of Rogério Miguel Puga in Goa and the relationship to Macau. “The political behaviour of Macau in the context of the Lusophony is quite better, under the strategic and economic point of view, than that of Goa. In Goa still remain problems related to postcolonial ghosts, which are an obstacle for the positive development of relations between Goa and the lusophone space” says Puga. Read more →

Lusophone economy

Macau and Mozambique foster economic relationships

The economic delegation of Macau with the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Dr. Huang Song Pu in Mozambique, at the fair stand of Macau at FACIM

During the 48th Maputo International Fair (Facim 2012) held recently in Maputo, a delegation of Macau met representatives of the government of Mozambique in order to discuss the economic relationships between Macau and Mozambique.The aim of the meetings was to foster economic relationships between Macau and Mozambique within the lusophone market.
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Congress of the Lusophone Entrepreneur in Brazil

Lusophone market: joining 300 million persons

Partipants of the congress establishing contacts

The 2nd Congress of the Lusophone Entrepreneur in Vitória, capital of the State of Espírito Santo (Brazil), was held in May/June 2012. The event was attended by entrepreneurs of the lusophone countries and also by invited countries such as Uruguay and Argentina.
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Goa and Timor

Goa-Timor: a historical comparison and the actual development


In an interesting article Purun Cheong  of the Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, compares the history of East Timor and Goa in order to discover the reasons behind the discrepancies of today. Whereas East Timor, after nearly 30 years of Indonesian military occupation, finally gained independence in 2002 and is now one of the poorest countries in the world, Goa is since 1961 part of India and one of the richest states in India. Currently the relative decrease in the native Goan population has also led to the worries of a loss of Goan identity, writes Cheong. Read more →

The Brazilian novel of a woman soldier in Goa

“The Lady of Pangim” was published 80 years ago

Book cover of the first Brazilian edition of “The Lady of Pangim”, 1932

The Brazilian novel “A Senhora de Pangim”, in English “The Lady of Pangim”, was published in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 80 years ago in 1932 by the Brazilian author Gustavo Barroso. The novel fictions the life of the Brazilian lady Maria Úrsula de Abreu e Lencastre who was enrolled in the Portuguese army as “man” named Balthazar do Couto Cardoso and sent to Portuguese India around the year 1700. Read more →